
Temukan Pekerjaan Impian Anda!

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Job Description

Graphic designers develop visual text and imagery from concepts brief to communicate complex ideas to be more accessible and inspire, inform or captivate consumer.


Job Responsibilities
  • Develop a visual promo design for each departments
  • Develop image materials, illustration, graphic or other design elements to use on clients request
  • Develop a visual design to production ready (printed and digital)
  • Create Visual Assets (overlay, stream assets, and graphic materials)
  • Develop mockup assets and merchandise option for internal departments requirement
  • Contribute with the team to develop the final visual presentation of a project
Job Requirement
  • Bachelor Degree with any major
  • At least 1 year working experience as a graphic designer, but fresh graduate are very welcome to apply
  • Proficient in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Knowledge of design techniques, tools and principles
  • Knowledge of layouts, graphic fundamentals, typography, print and web
  • Creativity, originality and able to work on a tight deadline
  • Good in English is a plus!
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